Certified Energy Healer
Board Certified Hypnotherapist
Intuitive Counselor
My experiences with Paul have always been incredibly meaningful, deeply spiritual and profoundly positive. Paul has affected extraordinary change in the awareness that I have for the way I live my life. As a psychic medium, Paul has the divine gift of connecting us with loved ones who have passed. The information that I have received, through Paul, is amazingly accurate and consistently optimistic.
Paul has the uncanny ability to put me completely at ease before readings and healings. This is no insignificant feat when one considers the wondrous and awe-inspiring manner through which the communication is derived. Paul’s greatest attribute and undeniable strength is his consistancy. His work emanates from a place of compassion, empathy, service, healing and love.
It is my belief that our natural state, as humans, is to feel blissfully connected to all life. I am reminded through readings with Paul that through focus, right action, right speech and right thought, we can live in this state. We can, and should, live in a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible. Paul is the catalyst through whom I have glimpsed this state. It is expressly because of Paul that I remain on the path of discovery to live my life in this natural human condition.
I am truly blessed to have met Paul. I am truly blessed to call Paul my friend.
- Chris L.
From the minute my reading began, Paul was totally tuned into my energy and every word out of his mouth made total sense and he was telling me things about myself that were 100% true and clearly had no way of knowing before. The time flew by and an hour seemed like a minute- and every sentence was filled with knowledge, advice and validation on so many things that had happened in my life. His intuitive and inspirational approach will make anyone feel very comfortable and his energy will zero into yours with a reading that will help you feel more empowered and enlightened. I highly recommend him. He is beyond fantastic.
- Andrea N
"The time flew by and an hour seemed like a minute- and every sentence was filled with knowledge, advice and validation on so many things that had happened in my life. His intuitive and inspirational approach will make anyone feel very comfortable and his energy will zero into yours with a reading that will help you feel more empowered and enlightened."
- Andrea N.
"My experiences with Paul have always been incredibly meaningful, deeply spiritual and profoundly positive. Paul has affected extraordinary change in the awareness that I have for the way I live my life.
-Chris L.
I remember in school, I got involved in diffusing a fight. Going up to one of the boys, I began to tell him that he was angry at his father and he was taking the anger out on the other boy. He stopped fighting and left, later to find out that the boy was treated poorly at home. My teen years were tough and throughout them, I remember praying … a lot. As a young Catholic, I had to take CCD classes, but for me, they just didn’t fit. I had a problem viewing God as an old man sitting on a throne and judging us. My version of God was much different.
At the age of 12, I began to have out of body experiences while sleeping. I would travel to different places, places that I didn’t know. They were wonderful trips to exotic lands, cities, and countries that I had never visited. I also began to hear voices speak to me. I was afraid to tell people for fear of being called crazy. The voices spoke of positive things: life, love, purpose and reason.
In my late teens, I began to explore spirituality to discover my own faith and define who God was to me. I began to see God as my best friend who provided protection and a guiding light for my life. The voices continued and I learned to block them out around age 16. After that, the voices disappeared for some time.
In my twenties, the voices came back after a relationship break up. This was one of the most difficult times in my life. A voice spoke to me, explaining that we were no longer to be together and that I was to use this experience and all my other life experiences to help and heal people. I began to read spiritual books and pursue spiritual therapy. I started taking classes in spirituality including intuitive counseling, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy and meditation.
In 1998, I received a phone call from a friend asking me if I would do a reading for someone. Taking a leap of faith, I had my first appointment over the phone. I had never met this woman and didn’t know anything about her other than her first name. It happened so quickly, I didn’t really have time to doubt or develop fear. The woman called and began to explain why she wanted a reading. I connected to her energy and began to tell her about her life, her children, her past and her relationship issues. This call launched my spiritual counseling business. Only a few minutes after hanging up with her, someone called asking if they could make an appointment with the psychic. I was shocked that she had already given me a referral and that I had really helped her.
Years later, I have built my life around helping people. Providing counseling, intuitive readings, spiritual healing, hypnotherapy and mediumship, I have worked with over 7,000 individuals, couples and children in my practice. My goal is to help people live life more spiritually in hopes that they find inner peace and a deeper connection with God. With an individual approach to every client, I help them find an easier way to deal with loss and difficulties, overcome negative patterns and thinking, and bring abundance into their life.
If you are interested in spiritual growth and self-empowerment,
it would be my pleasure to assist you in any way I can.